St Anthony's Drive, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS11 8AB

0113 2716 963

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School

One world, one school

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School Governing Body 

Name of Governor Category of Governor and Committees Served Date of Appointment and Term of Office Relevant Business/Personal Interests

Any other Educational Establishments Governed

Relationships with the School Staff including Spouses, Partners and Relatives

Chloe Lawson-Duffy - Chair


Teaching & Learning/Pupil Support Committee

n/a n/a
Robin Martin - Vice Chair


Teaching & Learning/Pupil Support Committee

05/11/2020 - 4 Years Leeds City Council n/a n/a
Malcolm Morrison


Resources Committee 

Pay Appeals Committee


18/06/2020 - 4 Years n/a n/a n/a
Kate McNulty


Resources Committee

Teaching & Learning/Pupil Support Committee

01/01/15 n/a n/a n/a
Kerry Seymour

LA Rep

Pay Committee

22/01/2020 - 4 Years DePuy Synthes n/a n/a
Lindsey Cross


16/01/2025 - 4 Years DePuy Synthes n/a n/a
Helen Taylor



16/01/2025 - 4 Years
n/a n/a n/a
Winnie Bello


 16/01/2025 - 4 Years

n/a n/a n/a


Interested in becoming a school governor?

If you think you have what it takes to be a school governor, please complete the form below:

School Governor Application Form