Talk Matters
Education Endowment Fund research indicates that all pupils benefit from oral language interventions, and some studies show slightly larger effects for younger children and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds (up to six months' additional progress).
School baseline on entry data indicates that a significant number of children start Nursery and Reception with speaking and listening skills that are below age related expectations.
We put speaking at the heart of everything we do. The principles of ‘Talk Matters’ are embedded and used consistently across school. Environments are language rich with effective adult talk and increasingly high-quality pupil talk. Children are active listeners and skilled speakers able to respond, explain and evaluate in full sentences (limited vocabulary is the prime reason for academic failure).
Indicators of high quality Child talk
Currently in the third year of the Talk Matters Initiative (2020), children are now ‘skilled speakers’ and ‘active listeners’- able to confidently describe, explain, evaluate, present and debate across the curriculum.
As a result, the school is recognised as a Hub for best 'Talk Matters' practice:
- "Teaching is secure (good) across the school. Some teaching is outstanding. Therefore, school has best-practice that can be readily shared across the teaching staff to further develop its teaching profile. This strength is reflected in school’s evaluation documentation that identifies the quality of education judgement as ‘good’ but with some outstanding features. School’s prioritisation of reading draws from its strong rationale: it meets the specific needs of school’s complex community and underpins secure learning across school’s broad and balanced curriculum. The development of vocabulary is given the highest priority and is evidenced across all learning areas." Brian Beal (School Improvement Advisor)
- “A group of English Leaders from schools in the Alliance visited Hugh Gaitskell Primary School last week and were very impressed by what they saw. You (and your team) have provided fabulous training and support for the school and the school is to be commended for the way in which they are implementing the Talk Matters programme.” Patricia Lowson (School Improvement Advisor)
- "We came to look at how Talk Matters was embedded in school and were very impressed with all aspects of the morning. It was evident that all staff had embraced Talk Matters and the impact of this on the children’s spoken language, engagement and enthusiasm was plain to see. The quality of work throughout the school was impressive and I particularly enjoyed seeing the Y6 group enjoying Shakespeare. We feel Talk Matters is an area we will pursue further and have decided to pilot some of the aspects we observed whilst on our visit. We may be in touch to bring some staff members round if possible as I felt seeing it in action was invaluable!” Hayley Marshall (Headteacher at Iveson Primary)