St Anthony's Drive, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS11 8AB

0113 2716 963

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School

One world, one school

Design Technology


Design and Technology is a skill which people will use throughout their lives, in their day-to-day routines to the more practical skills that we acquire. The whole purpose of a school curriculum is to ensure that it enables young minds to develop essential skills in life to use as developing adults, and it is the intent of our curriculum to enable children to utilise their Design and Technology skills for the rest of their lives, and is seen as a key part of a child’s education to round them as developing citizens of the world. The intent of our school Design and Technology Curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement. At Hugh Gaitskell Primary School we intend for all children to be able to develop the key skills of Design and Technology by the end of each academic year. We believe that the skills that the pupils learn as they progress through the school will be skills that they can build on for the rest of their lives. It is our intent to ensure that they consolidate on existing skills whilst learning new skills that will become effective as they become life-long learners. We aim for the children to use the skills they acquire in D/T at the school to enable them to apply these to all aspects of their lives as they develop into young adults.


Design and Technology will be taught on a regular basis throughout every academic year at the school and will aim to build on key skills from one year group to the next. In Key Stage 1 the children will be able to develop skills that ensure they feel confident at using and applying brush strokes, developing an understanding of different ways of cutting and sticking that will progress to more accurate cutting as they enter the last year of Key Stage One. The children will gain experience using a range of materials to make different models whilst developing their key D/T skills.

In Key Stage 2, children will start to gain experience of creating their own designs, using pencils to build on the brush strokes work covered in Years One and Two. They will gain a wider experience of D/T by engaging in developing their cooking skills, which will also include how to follow a recipe. They will gain experience working with different materials, such as felt and card to make their model.  In upper Key Stage 2, the children will develop further their D/T skills by using a wider range of materials, such as clay, and will progress to a wider understanding of the world we live in by also using and working with recycled materials to gain a better understanding of D/T in the modern world. 

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School has created a thorough and robust design and technology curriculum that is embedded in classroom teaching.


The Design and Technology curriculum is aimed at being engaging and fun for the children, bringing a sense of practical purpose to their skills that they can develop each year. It is important that the children themselves feel a sense of impact from the work they are doing and are able to talk openly about their work and how they have ended up with a finished product. The aim of the Design and Technology curriculum at Hugh Gaitskell Primary School is to ensure that all our pupils become lifelong learners in the use of skills that they acquire. these skills are aimed at ensuring the children are confident at applying them to all aspects of their everyday life and will ensure that they are condiment in their next stages of development. We aim to ensure that they finish Hugh Gaitskell Primary School with the confidence and knowledge of the making and designing process that enables them to take a full and active part in the modern world we live in today.