St Anthony's Drive, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS11 8AB

0113 2716 963

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School

One world, one school


We are a Read a Lot, Talk a Lot School! 


Reading is at the heart of everything we do at Hugh Gaitskell Primary. As a school we aim to install a love of reading and an appreciation of books in all of our children which will follow them throughout their lives. We are committed to ensuring that our children are exposed to a wide variety of high quality and vocabulary rich texts across the curriculum so that our children develop the knowledge of themselves, show empathy towards others, and gain a deeper understanding of the world in which we live. 


We encourage our children to find out new information and develop their comprehension skills by reading widely using both fiction and non-fiction texts. Carefully selected books have been mapped out to support subject learning in our curriculum. We want our children to leave us as fluent readers with a range of skills and strategies to enable them to access all books. 


We are champions of books: we host children’s authors, run exciting projects, hold competitions, celebrate special book-based dates, and foster positive relationships with our local community and beyond, such as our links with the local library and the British Library. 


We are committed as a school to ensure that a love of reading is instilled in every child.


Education Endowment Fund research indicates that reading comprehension approaches deliver an additional six months’ progress. Successful reading comprehension approaches allow activities to be carefully tailored to pupils’ reading capabilities and involve activities and texts that provide an effective, but not overwhelming, challenge.