Intent – Hugh Gaitskell Primary School
Together we will make the world a better place
At Hugh Gaitskell Primary School, our intention is that our curriculum extends opportunity, raises aspiration, opens children’s eyes to the world beyond their immediate environment, enables our children to live happy, healthy and productive lives and inspires children to learn more. For children with special educational needs, the curriculum is mediated and adapted by the class teacher, supported by our skilled and knowledgeable special needs co ordinators and pastoral team. We believe our curriculum prepares the children well for their secondary education and has inspired them to find out more about the world around them. We aim to provide our children with the cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
Our vision is to ensure that our children are able to overcome extreme rates of mobility, poverty of expectation, individual needs, limited life experiences and, for a significant proportion of our pupils arriving from abroad, limited experience of life in Britain.
We encourage our children to learn whilst having fun. We want to help each child to become a caring, confident and curious young person who has a passion for learning in order to prepare them to embrace their bright futures- they will be powerful and they will be strong.
We will do this by supporting, nurturing and inspiring our children through quality-first teaching strategies and providing a wealth of opportunities to enrich their life experiences.
By working with our families, we create an aspirational environment where everyone is valued and successes are celebrated.
At Hugh Gaitskell Primary, we support all our children to:
- Have a high-level of articulacy and be confident communicators with a genuine thirst for learning
- Develop a strong sense of moral purpose- including respect, tolerance and understanding of others
- Develop an understanding of how actions affect themselves and others, learn about different communities and Modern British Values: tolerance and respect, democracy, rule of law and liberty
- Learn about, value and enjoy our diverse society
- Be active contributors to the school and the wider community
- Value and care for others in the local community and the wider world
- Be as independent as possible, including children with special educational needs and disabilities who will develop their knowledge, skills and abilities
- Feel a sense of pride and belonging towards the school and its community
- Respect, value and care for the natural environment
- Develop as confident, self-motivated, independent and collaborative learners
- Be able to rise to challenges and grasp new opportunities
- Achieve high standards in all areas of the curriculum
To achieve this we will provide:
- A happy, healthy, safe, secure and nurturing environment
- A school that nurtures ambitions and aspirations, builds resilience and enables children to seize opportunities to learn
- Quality-First teaching across the whole curriculum
- Bespoke support for those children who need it, enabling them to work with increasing independence
- A rich, challenging, relevant and engaging curriculum
- A wide range of extra-curricular opportunities
- Opportunities for pupils to play a part in developing their school and community
- A professional, skilled, highly-motivated staff team committed to the ethos and aims of the school
- Opportunities for parents to be active partners in the education of their children and the life of the school
- Brokered external support for children with special educational needs and disabilities, where this will enhance practice and provision
- Leadership focused on continuous improvement
- Effective management systems which support the drive to raise standards