Implementation- Hugh Gaitskell Primary School
Drivers: Underpinning the whole curriculum are four key drivers, especially chosen to tackle context-specific issues in school. They meet the needs of the community and the children, preparing them for life beyond Hugh Gaitskell Primary School. Our key drivers are:
All half- termly medium-term plans/units of work include:
- SMSC and Modern British Values are woven into all aspects of the school curriculum. Children develop their understanding of how actions affect themselves and others, learn about different communities and British Values: tolerance and respect, democracy, the rule of law and liberty.
- Every unit of work, every task and skill building activity will build children’s self esteem, especially those who are disadvantaged and those with SEND. Pupils will learn to value themselves in the first instance and this will enable them to value others. Resilience and respect will be key drivers for success and teaching growth mindset will equip young learners with the tools to succeed.
Development of language and communication
- The ‘Talk Matters Initiative’ is used to accelerate speech, language and communication development across the school, and in all subject areas
- SEND pupils are immersed in high level language and this supports their progress in oracy
- Children build confidence through opportunities to reason, debate, discuss, explain and present
- Children know that their voice is heard- they are able to lead and inspire others
- Oral language is given high priority by adults and children who see this as a key strategy for developing thinking and deepening understanding and learning
- Classrooms are language rich and resources to promote and support independent learning are progressive and reflect year group expectations
Skills for empowerment
- Learning activities develop carefully selected, transferable skills that progress over the seven years of primary schooling
- Explicit teaching of skills leads to their application in a context relating to the topic/theme
- SEND pupils understand their own needs and can seek ways to manage those appropriately to best be successful
- Children are made aware of the skills they develop and discussion focuses on how skills can be used in other contexts
- We conduct pupil conversations to help staff evaluate the learning journey. Their opinions, references to key drivers and awareness of skills are used to inform future topics.
Cross-Curricular Links
- Topics incorporate, and provide context for, the majority of National Curriculum subjects: English, mathematics, computing, languages, humanities and the arts. All topics incorporate skills and content from multiple subjects.